Thinking of Being A Boob toward Brooke Baldwin? Better Get Ready for a Beat-Down
“I believe in only two things completely—the first amendment and boobs.”
Wait, what?
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin’s clear look of confusion let her viewers know this was likely what she was thinking as FOX Sports News analyst Clay Travis blurted out the lewd comment. The remark came in response to a discussion about ESPN’s Jemele Hill, who according to the New York Times said last week on Twitter that Donald Trump’s presidency is “a direct result of white supremacy.” Baldwin was prepared to debate the “supremacist” controversy with Travis and former ESPN senior editor Keith Reed when she was thrown for a loop by Travis. Travis said that along with the first amendment, “boobs were the only thing that never let me down.”
Baldwin was so taken aback she had to ask Travis twice to clarify his statement. “Did you say boobs, B-O-O-B-S or booze, B-O-O-Z-E,” she asked, to which Travis flatly confirmed “I said boobs. They are the only thing I believe 100% in this country.” After several seconds shaking her head at Travis' unapologetic boldness over use of the off-color remark, Baldwin finally asked Travis why he "would even say that on national television with a female host? Why even go there?” Travis continued talking, proudly defending his first-amendment right to say exactly what he wanted. To his credit, Reed did attempt to chastise Travis on air, saying “I’m astonished at what I just heard. Having anatomy brought up is irrelevant to this conversation.”
Travis tried arguing with Reed, asking Reed if he too loved boobs, at which point Baldwin abruptly took charge of the interview. “I’m done. Mics cut. This conversation is over,” she said.
Bottom line: thinking about being a boob to Brooke Baldwin? Yeah, might want to rethink that idea. Check out the video to see how the entire debacle played out on air.
Sources: CNN, New York Times